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Energy Efficiency

Not so long ago, energy was inexpensive and many deficiencies could be easily resolved with more energy.  Americans solved comfort deficiencies by increasing energy demand because doing so was usually easy and inexpensive. Symbolically, in so many ways, Americans have pampered themselves with large, low MPG luxury cars instead of driving high MPG compacts that would have met their needs.  Remember the days of no utility baseline allowances and billing tiers?  Those days will someday return to America, but not until the energy that Americans consume is derived from renewable sources like solar panels and wind mills.

That recent time of cheap energy came at about the same time that most of the air conditioning and water heating systems in America were installed.  The majority of those systems are still in place; because they have not yet broken down, there has been no immediate need to replace them.  Those systems are still hiding on rooftops and in basements.  They still run every day to keep us warm, cool and comfortably bathed.  These systems have become less efficient than they were when they were new and when they were new they were not even close to energy efficient by today’s standards.

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{Unknown Carousel group}